Date: 30 May, 2024 (Thur)
Time: 15:00-16:30
Venue: Room 1410 (Lift 25/26)
Zoom video recording: Click here
Session 1
Speaker: Dr. Mia DONG
Content: STOmics proprietary Stereo-seq (SpaTial Enhanced REsolution Omics-sequencing) technology offers researchers a novel tool to explore spatial biology with unprecedented field-of-view, and subcellular resolution, enabling simultaneous transcriptome study and analysis at tissue-, cellular-, subcellular- and molecular level from fresh frozen tissue and FFPE tissue.
Session 2
DNBelab C Single Cell Platform
Speaker: Dr. Tengfei LIU
Content: MGI single cell platform offers high-throughput, cost-effective sc 3'RNA, scATAC, sc5'RNA & V(D)J analysis solutions by leveraging our droplet generation system, automated library preparation system, and DNBSEQ sequencing system.
Session 3
MGI Product Portfolio Introduction
Speaker: Dr. Will SHEN
Content: With the mission of "To develop and promote advanced life science tools for future healthcare", MGI has been developing tools on Storage, Read, Write. MGI developed series of sequencer and lab automation systems with different throughput, providing solutions from small scale rapid clinical applications, to industrial scale sequencing projects such as national genome projects. MGI's 3rd main segment covers BIT products such as LIMS, Ztron data storage and analysis server, MGICLab sample storage system, and ultrasound platform.
Session 4
BioCRF NGS Service Introduction
Speaker: Ms. Cherry LEUNG
Content: Utilising our state-of-the-art MGISP series liquid handlers and DNBSEQ-T7 and DNBSEQ-G400 sequencers, BioCRF provides high-quality service from library preparation to bioinformatic analysis for RNA-seq and WGS as well as standalone sequencing service at competitive prices. With the semi-automated workflow, the turnaround time is anticipated to be shortened to 2-3 weeks.